IELTS Geeks are a team of professional IELTS teachers.

Join us and pass your IELTS exam with confidence!

Pass your IELTS exam with our ultimate IELTS course.

Students all over the world are passing the IELTS exam with IELTS GEEKS.

What to expect from IELTS GEEKS

Complete self-study course

Everything you need to pass the IELTS exam.

4 exam skills practiced

Listening, reading, speaking and writing sections prepared.

Professional IELTS teachers

Our IELTS course is written by professional IELTS teachers.

IELTS ready in your own time

Prepare for the IELTS exam at a pace that suits you.


With our ultimate IELTS course, anyone can pass the IELTS exam. 


Sign up and become an IELTS Geek today!

Frequently asked questions

Prepare for the IELTS exam at your own pace. 

Professional IELTS teachers can be expensive. Get all the knowledge of an IELTS teacher for one affordable price.   


The IELTS GEEKS ultimate courses are a self-study course, prepare for the IELTS exam at a time that suits you. 

When you buy an IELTS GEEKS course, you gain access to all of our top quality IELTS content for one whole year! 

Our ultimate IELTS courses contain a mixture of video and written classes.

After each class, there is a questionnaire or a quiz to check your understanding of the topic. 

Our ultimate IELTS courses also contain practice exams to ensure that you are comfortable with answering real IELTS exam questions. 

Every class in our ultimate IELTS courses is updated weekly to ensure that it is suitable for the most recent IELTS exams.

We also add new classes weekly to ensure that students have access to the most up-to-date preparation, not available anywhere else.  

Here at IELTS GEEKS, we love to help our members solve any problems they face. 

If you have any issues or questions, you can contact us on our email.